Aam Admi
Date: 15.09.2012
1. FDI in Retail & Other Sectors On Black Friday
2. Sports vs. Education
3. Shut Down The Kudankulam NPP
4. The Tarun Gogoi Flip-Flop
5. The Pak Hindu Refugee Issue
6. Citizens Should Demand Efficient & Properly Priced Services & Infrastructure
7. Indian Parliamentary Democracy Is At The Crossroads
FDI in Retail & Other Sectors On Black Friday
The FDI in Retail issue is coming into focus again considering the pressure being put on the government to show some FDI coming in to India in the economic gloom. However, there are very many passionate objectors to this measure among whom Mamata Banejee of the Trinamul Congress in West Bengal remains in the vanguard. FDI in Retail will not benefit us as brought out in the recent UN agency report that showed that bringing in retailers like Walmart does not help the farmers or traders in any country around the world. In fact, big retailers like Walmart and others are detrimental to the interests of the growers and the sellers particularly in the longer term. However, in India Walmart in association with Bharati Airtel has already made a back door entry by entering into the wholesale cash-and-carry trade which is essentially retailing under a disguised manner by keeping the sale quantities low enough to attract retail customers. In addition as is common with big business Walmart and others have been using the media to plug for them by claiming that more and more traders are buying from such outlets like Walmart and others in the cash & carry trade. The scenario of retailing chains of Indian origin is generally of dismal failures and most of them have shut down except in some retailing segments like clothing and in certain geographical regions of the country. Thus while FDI in retail should be stopped, we at the same time should streamline our farmer’s gate to market movement of goods with the least overlays of costs and also develop cold chains across the country specific to produce growing regions to reduce spoilage and wastage. Packaging also needs to be improved for the delivery of the goods and produce in its true form and quality. This will also ensure that wastage is minimized. Depending on FDI for doing this will lead to massive overlays in costs and we will pay in the long run after the retailing MNC’s have got their customers caught in their spider’s web with initial discounts and the like. We also need to remember that given the assumed convenience of buying all that you need at one location and in reduced time in the Walmart style departmental stores, the trend in the West now is to de-emphasise the slogan of everything under one roof and group products by category or similarity of buyers and provide specialized assistance in smaller format stores. Thus what is being brought to India is what is not acceptable or unattractive to Western buyers and something which has already failed in India with the demise of the Indian retail chains by and large. Postscript: On Friday, 14th September, 2012, the UPA-2 in a series of measures announced the approval for FDI in retail upto 51%, in airlines, power exchanges and in the broadcast sector. This has probably been to counteract the criticism that it has been facing over the last year or so of being a dysfunctional government suffering from policy paralysis. But these measure will end up being unproductive and likely to add to more cacophony in the political space in the near future. However, Friday, the 14th September, 2012, will be remembered akin to Friday, the 13th which is linked to horror, in many possible terms like Break or Make Friday, Break or Bust Friday or Black Friday, the connotations remaining mostly with the doom theme. This will be the day when the UPA-2 has written its own epitaph by pandering to the advice of foreigners who have an axe to grind in the Indian economy rather than listening to the voices of its own people and catering to their subsistence needs.
Sports vs. Education
The Unmukht Chand issue with St.Stephen’s College wherein a sports player for lack of attendance was not being allowed to sit for his exams and get promoted speaks of the closed mind-set of the educationists. It also highlights the tendency of the principal of the college, Shri Valson Thampu, to seek publicity by raising needless controversies as we have seen many times in the past. With Unmukht Chand, our U-19 cricket caption leading India to victory in the World Cup, Valson Thampu wanted probably to have some of that shine rub off on him and let the attendance issue develop to hit the media. The world has changed and with that the emphasis for education thus educationists should broaden their outlook to accommodate the changes taking place around them. At the same time with sports going professional the need for education should be left at the discretion of the student since both our most well known cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar and M S Dhoni have not made the graduate cut but are miles ahead in earnings when compared to our brightest minds. Thus in cases like that of Unmukht Chand the college should help him achieve his education goals by being a bit flexible. The college, of course, has the option not to admit professional players but having done so not ride on their backs into the spotlight.
Shut Down The Kudankulam NPP
The Kudankulam stir closer to the fueling of the rods into the nuclear reactor is deservedly reaching fever pitch. The manner in which the people's agitation adjoining the NPP is being handled is a shame on Indian democracy. For something that the government claims is a safe, clean and peaceful use of nuclear energy our government is unable to explain and convince simple villagers of this aspect and has to start the next stage of the operation of the NPP barracked behind 2000 policemen and some 200 odd RAF constabulary. The incongruity of this simple fact does not seem to have struck our authorities. The villagers have been under the banner of PMANE agitating for the last 400 odd days against the NPP but their pleas to close down the NPP have fallen on deaf ears. They have also been let down by the Tamil Nadu CM who has been bribed with the promise of electrical power that the NPP will generate to side with the authorities. Jayalalithaa is thus parroting the line that the plant is safe and secure. However, on what basis she is saying this is somewhat unknown. As for her track record relating to safety, in just the last week the Sivakasi fire incident at a fireworks factory has demolished it since firstly, when the factory was deemed unsafe there was no coordination between the Central and State authorities to shut the factory down. Additionally, there was no burns ward in any hospital in & near Sivakasi, a major fireworks city, and victims had to be ferried some 60 KM. to the nearest burns hospital though these facilities had been promised by the Tamil Nadu CM including setting up of a multi-speciality facility on which nothing was done. The High Court of Tamil Nadu also certified that the Kudankulam NPP was safe again on what basis no one knows. The Central Govt. on its part continues to bumble around with its newly appointed Home Minister blaming the foreign hand behind the Kudankulam villagers agitation since our governments have got used to the idea of believing that our people are incapable of leading and organising informed agitations. In any case the Home Ministry credibility of blaming the foreign hand was blown up in the recent Internet & MMS circulation controversy that got people of the North-east to move from many parts of the country back to their home towns in the wake of the riots in Assam, by first blaming Pakistan for this and later having to retract this. In terms of deluding the people the AERB has lately come out with a report that they are looking at ways and means to counteract unusual natural phenomena and exceptional other threats like missile attacks to our NPP's. This clearly seems to be an effort of building castles in the air since during the hunt for Osama Bin Laden in the Tora Tora mountains we had heard that the US was planning to use 'bunker-busters' which are capable of tunneling into the mountainside and implode any bunkers or underground shelters that had been carved out. How will our AERB stop such bombs mounted on Pakistani missiles which lately our strategic analysts have said are better than India's missile delivery capabilities and Pakistan is also said to have the fastest growing nuclear arsenal in the world. Moreover the PM himself has said recently that the civilian liability cover for the Kudankulam NPP is inadequate. Therefore let the Kudankulam environs be returned to whom it belongs, to the poor and simple villagers and fisherfolk there, shut down the NPP and move out so that the natural flora and fauna can grow in peace. This last aspect is being highlighted since in a news report recently it was said that orchids grow wild in the adjoining green hills of the Kaiga NPP and you can imagine the desolation that will be wrought there if a nuclear accident takes place.
The Tarun Gogoi Flip-Flop
Tarun Gogoi, the Assam Chief Minister continues to flip-flop on the Assam riots. Into the first week of the riots he said that he washed off his hands off the riots while now he says that he accepts full responsibility for the riots. Similarly, he had said that illegal immigrants from Bangladesh are responsible for the riots earlier while he now says that they are not responsible. A person has to have some clarity in his mind about any problem before he can attempt to solve it. Thus on the part of Gogoi there seems to be so much muddleheadedness that the communal and ethnic riots issue in Assam which has been festering for more than 30 – 40 years now will continue to remain for another half a century. Our political leaders lack the political will to resolve thorny issues and that is why these matters remain dormant and rear their heads once in a while through provocation as we have seen in the recent Assam riots. Dhubri in Assam continues to be in curfew even now which indicates that Assam is still simmering and that full normalcy has not been restored.
The Pak Hindu Refugee Issue
Pak Hindus who want to legitimately come to India are being denied immigration while Muslims who come in illegally from Bangladesh are welcomed so that our politicians can create vote banks. Similarly the Sri Lankan Tamils even for a visit to India are harassed while those with doubtful national antecedents are accorded welcome. Both the Pak Hindus and the Sri Lankan Tamils are originally Indians and hence their return to India has to be made easier than others. There is a need therefore to ensure clarity in our immigration policies. We have also to note that the illegal immigration by Muslims into India from places like Bangladesh leads to communal problems like we have seen lately in Assam and in other parts of the country. These Muslims then also tend to align with their religious brethren around the world and sing the praises at that time of their original motherland and spew hatred against their newly adopted country, India. In this context, the manner with which the government is handling this issue of Pak Hindus wanting to come back to India is very confusing. Why should we be afraid of Pakistan to take our own people back? Moreover this matter was not even raised by our Foreign Minister in the latest talks with his Pakistani counterpart. Moreover this matter was not even raised by our Foreign Minister in the latest talks with his Pakistani counterpart. In fact we are not playing hard-ball with Pakistan and giving them back in their own coin on many matters like the easing of visa for tourist visits was unnecessary, while we have released Dr Chisthi the Pakistanis inspite of Zardari himself getting involved, have not released Sarabjeet Singh giving inane excuses of typographical errors which got Surjeet Singh released. Our handling of Pakistan remains inept with the 26/11 investigation of the Pakistani hand in the matter being put almost on the backburner after the current visit of S M Krishna. We seem to be playing out Mahatma Gandhi's advice of turning the other cheek when slapped when it comes to Pakistan. This self-flagellation time and again is completely undesirable. Added to that our newly appointed and bumbling Humpty Dumpty – like Home Minister after his major gaffes in Parliament in its last session, has in the manner of the Pakistani government handling the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack case has asked for proof from the hapless refugees to prove they were terrorized back home in Pakistan. How much more insensitive can our government get?
Citizens Should Demand Efficient & Properly Priced Services & Infrastructure
On the back of the massive electrical grid failure in the North and the East last month, a couple of issues have come up which need to be addressed. In one of the articles appeared in the papers at that time, the author stated that private consumers, both individual and group housing as well as industry, had for long islanded themselves by having their own power generation through diesel generators and what have you. The claim was that there is no point in depending any more on infrastructural utilities like electricity supply and it is only the aam admi who would suffer from their inefficiencies and not the privileged or those having resources. There was a sentence in the article stating that ‘people realized that there was a colossal grid failure only upon coming onto the streets’ which is a very scary statement of our own citizens turning their faces away from a problem and not looking to solve it, by saying that it does not concern me. In the process the State or infrastructural utilities will continue to remain inefficient and keep increasing their tariffs to subsidise their sloth and inefficiency. In this instance it is power, tomorrow it could be water since again in Delhi for more than two decades now the relatively well-off are no longer using municipal water but borewell and tanker water for their bathing and toilet needs and mineral water for drinking and cooking. We are not talking of Lutyen’s Delhi here. Take also medical services like ambulance and handling site accident trauma cases unless the government acts on this it is not possible for citizens to get help and support when they need them on an emergency basis. It is then that people who ensconse themselves in paid and cocooned luxury will find the meaning of disregarding such facilities. Everyone has to take a stand and demand for basic and essential services to be provided at a minimum efficiency since with common citizens turning away from basic utilities and creating their own parallel facilities distorts the demand pattern and will lead in the long run to a completely inefficient, artificially expensive infrastructure network which will refuse to respond and react even to normal circumstances and create hindrances to our development. Postscript: Just after writing this there was a newsitem saying that the Haryana Vidyut Board has assured that the Millenium City in Gurgaon would get uninterrupted 24/7 power at a surcharge. Now the Electricity Regulatory Commission of each state has been recommending increases in tariff rates considering in escalation of input cots. Added to that we have these premiums to be paid for 24/7 power which is what should have been the norm but being now made an exception at a surcharge since the new norm is 6-8 hours of loadshedding. Thus expectancy has been moderated and what should be normal is being projected as special. The article claims it is based on the successful public-private partnership in Pune where the captive power plants with private industry having a surplus of 90MW offered to supply this to the electricity board to provide Pune residents uninterruptible power at a surcharge. This model is also wrong since the electricity board should have done this without a surcharge accepting responsibility for their fault or inefficiency.
Indian Parliamentary Democracy Is At The Crossroads
The Congress strategy when confronted with the many scams and blunders committed in recent times is to follow the policy of first denial, then try and brazen it out, then use bluff to escape responsibility, then look for other scapegoats and past precedent to justify their actions and finally capitulate and either reverse the decision on the issue or convey their apologies. Thus for any matter you have to see in which stage the Congress are in and then decide to maintain relentless pressure so that they move through the various stages of the life cycle of the issue as defined above before you can have resolution. In all matters political and particularly with those involving the Congress whether it be the 2G, the CWG, the Adarsh scams and now Coalgate there is a tendency like the common thief to run away from the problem once the scam is exposed. It almost seems as if the Congress tries desperately to hide these scams under layers of lies and half-truths and once fully exposed are unable to do anything about it but dither. Thus in the light of this if you analyse the PM’s reply on the Coalgate issue one has to admit that it was somewhat banal and off the mark. Like no one asked him to follow the CAG guidelines since audit by its very nature is a post-mortem i.e. after the event. It only serves to draw the attention of those audited with an alternative viewpoint like in this case or to point out errors for the purpose of course correction. Further to attack one’s own institution like the CAG is again showing up the PM’s lack of leadership. The other position that the PM took was that we have done nothing new but pursued what was done in the past. Is that why we sent these guys to legislatures, to maintain the status quo? Or was it to enact new laws and keep pace with development as we go into the future? If we were to follow the past then we could have taken off by the precedents set by the Mundhra scandal during TTK’s tenure as Finance Minister, that was the first of many to come with the Congress. Maybe it is like that only and nothing has changed since we are still continuing the tradition of financial scandals and scams though the scale has multiplied. The other thing is that the approach nowadays to politics is towards grandstanding and drawing parallels on me vs. you basis and thus to try and arrive at a quid pro quo compromise sacrificing thus the interests of the common citizens. It is therefore getting to be a choice between who is the bigger devil. The actors in these dramas do not seem to understand that finger-pointing at one another on issues like corruption does not in any way lessen the problem for the country by showing up one or the other party as the bigger offender. Finally, if you take a broader overview of what is happening in Parliament now, it seems like as if the Congress & the UPA-2 are deliberately instigating the stand-offs while the BJP and the other opposition parties are falling into the trap, thus allowing the UPA to avoid Parliament and saved from this embarrassment do what it likes. Though to be fair, nothing much is seen to have been done otherwise everyone would not have been talking of policy paralysis etc. Is the Congress & the UPA therefore deliberately subverting Parliament? If so, we have a more serious problem to contend with. How the PM at the end of this failed monsoon session, accused the BJP to be obstructionist to democracy by holding Parliament to ransom, is something that one cannot understand since the PM & the UPA made no effort to resolve the issue and played along with those that were kidnapping Parliament! The fact that the PM was allowed to go to Iran for the NAM meet was surprising when the political scam on Coalgate was boiling over? With a constitutional crisis the PM should not have gone and the fact that he did proves that he is irrelevant in the scheme of things in this UPA-2 government. Concluding to take a very, very broad view on the recent going-ons in our political scenario one has to say that Indian democracy is at the crossroads and like the Left has said maybe it is match-fixing that both the Congress and the BJP, the principal political parties, are finding ways and means to avoid Parliamentary debate and the Congress particularly heaves a sigh of relief the moment a session ends.
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