Monday, September 25, 2017

                                                         VOX POPULI
                                                            S Kamat   
                                                           Aam Admi           
                                       Issue: 220                     Date: 25.09.2017 

1. Oil Prices In India Going Up & Up While Internationally They are Down, Down
2. Trying To Reduce Rape & Attacks On Minor Children
3. Tightening Safety & Security Of Children in Our Schools

   Oil Prices In India Going Up & Up While Internationally They are Down, Down

The manner in which the government sold the scheme on daily change of petroleum product rates to the public was transparency. However, at this time when prices within the country of petroleum fuels is going up & up while internationally prices of oil are going down, the Finance Minister has said that the government needs to make up for lost revenue in the past and if the public want any price reduction they should contact their States since sales tax on petroleum fuels across the country ranges from 25-40%. So where is the plank of transparency? Has it been thrown out of the window in a matter of months that the daily change of rates was set up? The government in this way will lose its credibility for two reasons, one for going back on its words and second, the show of irascibility by Jaitley inspite of being a senior minster. He is increasingly showing his upset face because for him none of his initiatives seem to be working for the economy. 

             Trying To Reduce Rape & Attacks On Minor Children

After the murder incident in the Gurugram school of young Pradyuman, a number of incidents have been reported by the media across India of crimes against children mostly girls like a minor  being molested in a Bengaluru school and another middle school girl thrown off from the 3rd floor in Eastern UP. It is almost as if like termites, these cases are emerging from the effect of the rotten sexual perversion mite that is infesting our society. Such incidents have been reported across India even after the public outcry and awareness raised  post the abhorring Nirbhaya rape case in Delhi during 2013. These cases can be variations of personal enmity, childhood rivalries, carelessness of the victims etc. etc. But the underlying theme in the majority of the cases is sexual depravity of the Indian male. Added to that is the indulgent attitude shown when incidents occur from the perpetrator's families if they happen to be wealthy or politically well connected to get their people off the hook from the clutches of the police and the justice system. This attitudinal change has to  be brought about and a sense  of respect for the women in society drilled into the minds of boys and men through school and college. Another reason for such incidents against women occurring lately with increasing regularity is the depiction of our women in our cinema. Where Indian television is taking the moderate route in projecting women, cinema has been going overboard in showing women in various stages of dress to undress to pander to the supposed box office and also to ape the Western culture influence on our society.  In fact the celebrated item number in our films should be voluntarily given up by our filmmakers for at least 2-3 years to stop the salivating aspect of our films. In making our society safe for women, the women themselves also need to pitch in and contribute their mite. This means that they need to understand that for the sake of all Indian women, they will have to dress moderately when they appear in public and limit anatomical exposure to the extent of decorum and decency that is generally accepted in the surroundings in which they normally live and work. This advice particularly applies to women who are in urban surroundings and who consider themselves elite or trendsetters and in the name of women's empowerment under which pretext for them anything goes. This can be applicable when they are in their homes and family surroundings but when they come out in public they need to dress appropriately in the larger interest of other women in our society particularly those in our villages and semi-urban areas who may not be as privileged as them. We can then see if the number of rapes in the country and the attacks on small children reduce.

                          Tightening Safety & Security Of Children in Our Schools

There was a time when children once entrusted to the school for the day were considered safe and secure as much as in their homes. This included from the point they were dropped off at the school gate and/or when picked up by the school bus and until the child was delivered back in the hands of the family. Pradyuman's shocking murder at the Ryan school in Gurugram has shaken the foundation of these beliefs and smashed them to smithereens. Whatever be the circumstances how anyone can take the life of an innocent 7-year old defies any sensible person's imagination. The accusations of sexual abuse are also very disconcerting. It is very important that the child's killers should be caught and punished so that our society is reassured that such things will not take place again. For this the school system should institute suitable measures for the safety and security of the children by having a dialog with police, security consultants and the parent-teacher bodies. The Ryan school given the information put out by the media seems to be an established school but having the bathrooms without grills on the windows etc. and continuing operations with the facilities in unfinished state are a clear sign of irresponsibility. The school management should be hauled up for this and suitable punitive measures imposed on them. The CBSE board under which the school functions should also be reprimanded since it is not only when instances like this of the child's murder happens that they wake up to the lapses of the school management but that in their periodic inspections they should have brought these issues to the notice of the school management in which case maybe this particular incident would not have occurred. In any case society needs to get to the bottom of is child's murder in school premises and the way things are going of playing political and legal football the case should not go the way of unsolved cases even though the bus conductor, the suspected perpetrator has been arrested. 


Monday, September 18, 2017

                                                                   VOX POPULI  
     S Kamat
       Aam Admi                                     
                Issue: 219                     Date: 18.09.2017

1. Get Rid Of Stray Dogs
2. Bullet Train Not Wanted, Need For Safer Rail Services Is Paramount
3. Do We Have An Indian Prime Minister of the US of A In Narendra Modi? 
4. Improper Content In The Media & On The Net

                                                        Get Rid Of Stray Dogs

We will never have the Swachha Bharat Abhiyan become successful unless we also decide to rid our villages, towns and cities of stray dogs. Our roads and streets are today full of dog pooh (excreta) randomly distributed. This is disgusting and fills one with nausea when one comes across this mess. Thus you cannot have a Swachha Bharat unless stray dogs are removed from our environs. This will then also save people from being attacked by these dogs and reduce the incidence of rabies by way of dog bites. As for pet dogs, this practice by owners to have them shit on the streets should also be banned. One cannot understand why the owners cannot toilet train their dogs or have them shit in their own houses. Some cities one is told like Mumbai particularly South Bombay has instituted fines for people having their dogs shit on the streets which should be expanded and like abroad owners should be forced to pick up their pet's pooh and dump into streetside garbage bins. Pet owners mostly have their dogs shit near the entrances of houses of neighbours they most dislike and the above rule of picking your dog's pooh will foster improved understanding and brotherhood in our society! 

                   Bullet Train Not Wanted, Need For Safer Rail Services Is Paramount

The RSS has correctly gauged the public sentiment of disappointment with the incumbent BJP-led NDA government at their conclave at Mathura. The present government is going on the same lines as the earler NDA government and polishing the India Shining platform by launching the Bullet Train project among others. As far as the Railways are concerned with derailments being the order of the day which very soon will average 1 per day, we just do not need high speed trains like the Bullet Train.  It is obvious though that it will run on dedicated separate tracks and will cater only to hi-end  customers and curious other passengers. In the same manner the Railways are planning to introduce coaches with plexiglass dome roofs on some of the scenic routes around India with the first starting on the Goa-Mumbai route. Such facilities are completely out of context since the need of the hour is safety, convenience and cleanliness of our train services. With the creaking infrastructure of tracks, rolling stock and signalling, the emphasis for the Railways should have been on safer and slower trains until such time as improvements are implemented and progressively move up to higher speed trains and the frills like Wi-Fi, LCD screens and chef-created meals. 

              Do We Have An Indian Prime Minister of the US of A In Narendra Modi? 

What's with our Prime Minister? Have we become a permanent member of the US fan club? This is being stated since Narendra Modi thought it fit to remember the 9/11 terror incident at New York but one does not recall him making any mention at the anniversaries of the 1993 blasts, the 2006 & 2008 train bombings and the attacks in 2011 on the Taj Hotel, the CST terminus made infamous by Ajmal Kasab and all in Mumbai. There have been other terror attacks across the country including on Parliament with varying number of fatalities and our Prime Minister remembers only 9/11in the US of A. We need to restore some balance of judgment here since are the lives of Indians that were lost not worth recalling as those that were lost in 9/11

The balance of judgment issue as far as Narendra Modi is concerned comes to the fore again in this context since he relates to another 9/11 when Swami Vivekananda had made his famous speech in Chicago and surmises that if the 9/11 terror incident perpetrators had read the Swamiji's speech then things could have been different. First the 9/11 similarity in dates is what is called happenstance while Modi needs to read up more on the Taliban & IS ideologies and their indoctrination methods as well as expectation of action from their members to understand that they come from a diametrically opposite world than Swami Vivekananda. The Swamiji's words and thinking would be akin to pouring water on a rock as far as the radical Muslim movement is concerned. It is said that the Taliban chose the date 9/11 to send across the message to Western civilisations led by the US to get down on bended knees and seek help by dialling 911. 

In the same comment Modi in trying to score brownie points with Bengalis, credited Rabindranath Tagore with the national anthem of three nations - India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. While being correct in the first two, Modi was wrong on Sri Lanka since though there was a connection that the Sri Lankan poet had studied in Shantiniketan and was greatly influenced by Tagore, the latter had nothing to with the Sri Lankan national anthem. The issue here is one of being correct and the credibility of the Indian Prime Minister. Modi should realise that it is one thing to make election speeches and yet another to make statements as PM since the latter will be weighed internationally and anything incorrect will erode the image of Modi as well as the office of the Indian PM.

                                          Improper Content In The Media & On The Net 

In our adolescence in the 1960's as is natural pornography was very much on the top of our minds. In Calcutta where one grew up it was difficult to get pornography and you had to sheepishly stand looking the other way after having whispered to the book-stall owner opposite the New Empire cinema adjoining New Market that you wanted pictures of girls - naked! Then you would be given hurriedly and surreptitiously an issue of the German photo magazine Kamera or some such or an old, tattered copy of Playboy, being assured that the centre-spread was intact. Money would change hands and the deed was done. Since we were then in hostel in a college located some 120 Km. from Calcutta accessible by train, this buying had to be done on our way back to college after a visit home for reasons as you can understand of tact, diplomacy and unwanted beration. Thus while on the train back to the hostel one could hardly wait for the two hour journey to end so that one could look at the 'goodies'! The same was true for any of the bestseller books that were coming out one after another at that time like that of Ian Fleming's James Bond 007 on his escapades or shall we say sex-capades, since there would be surely a couple of pages describing Bond with the girls. It was only later that Bond films came with famous scenes like Ursula Andress (we used to say Undress) emerging from the surf in her bikini as a sea-goddess. There were also soft porn books of authors like Ted Mark which was again a series with many titles describing the spy hero who like Bond was more into his sex-capades that were exotic as well as exciting. One of these books had to just come into the hostel and word would spread like wildfire amon close group of friends and sometimes other hostelmates also queuing up for their turn to read. The person who was the owner of the book or had bought the book  would be treated like a lord and treated to free tea & pakoras and cigarettes at the hostel's favourite tea shop - Chedis, by those in the queue for out-of-turn allotments. Those were the days when pornography was in demand because it was hard to get and in short supply. 

But nowadays the scene is completely different, since you have to only open the newspapers to see ads of Jockey innerwear or Enamor brassieres to get a more than normal view of the anatomy of both sexes. Apart from the Internet where you can access both soft and hard porn, even if you are reading newspapers on-line you will have the ads of sites of or disturbing you with pics of girls in various stages of dress to undress! It's a difficult world out there for young parents who have children going to middle school and above, what with papers carrying pics with exposure, porn on the Net and to deal with games like Blue Whale. The explosion of communication and its rapid movement to the cellular phone is not necessarily a boon and can be traumatic at times for those families who have to face tragedy because of the free access of content that is now available. Nothing can be done in terms of control of this kind of content unless it is voluntary and done by those putting out the content within the country recognising the mores and values of our society. As far as Net content coming from abroad, you have less options except to censor porn sites and maybe even ban them. But overall with society being driven by the money motive, the attitude is generally to get on with it and those that do not like what we do, can stay away or face the consequences since we are not directly responsible for the consequence of our actions. Times were better when pornography was less available and accessible since there was a charm to it, an excitement in the furtiveness and the feeling that is aptly described for the female form is that what is hidden is more exciting than what is bared. One hopes we learn on these matters as we go along.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

                                                                  VOX POPULI
                                                                          S Kamat
                                                                          Aam Admi
                                                     Issue: 218                     Date: 11.09.2017


1.  No Mention Of Roadblocks Being Set Up To Trap Gauri Lankesh's Killers
2.  Cleanse Yourself First Before Claiming Insult From The Written Word 
3.  Reliance Jio's CSI - Corporate Social Ir-Responsibility
4.  Celebrating Independence Day
5.  On Human Fatalities As A Measure O Development 
6.  On Nirmala Sitharaman As Defence Minister 

                  No Mention Of Roadblocks Being Set Up To Trap Gauri Lankesh's Killers

The sad killing of Gauri Lankesh at Bengaluru has all the signs of a contract killing with the modus operandi similar to the earlier killings of Dabholkar, Kalburgi etc. Following the media reports on the investigation into the killing, one is rather surprised why there is no mention of roadblocks being set up in and around Rajarajeshwari Nagar and all 2-wheeler riders searched as soon as the police became aware of the incident. The police were informed as is reported within 30 minutes of the incident and given the traffic congestion around the Rajarajeshwari Nagar area, there would have been some chance of apprehending the attacker or at least the 2-wheeler recovered, in the event that it had been abandoned upon seeing the roadblocks. From the papers it seems overemphasis is being placed on the CCTV coverage which has its own limitations because of low light levels. As part of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) our police across the country are better advised to institute roadblocks around the incident area in circles of increasing radius immediately after they receive information so that there is some chance of catching the perpetrators of such terrorist incidents which will only be on the increase. 

                        Cleanse Yourself First Before Claiming Insult From The Written Word 

Sometime back there was a news item in the papers about one of Vishnu Surya Wagh's  collection of poems being considered for an award by the Goa Konkani Academy. The latest position on this is not known. In any case it was stated that in the poems he has insulted the GSB (Gowd Saraswat Brahmin) community using derogatory language bordering on pornography. It was also stated that persons critical to any community should tone down their comments and language in the manner that is generally accepted. A women's activist organisation, Bailancho Ekvott, is reported to have filed a FIR about Wagh's book because of its pornographic content. There was also another news item in the papers wherein it was stated that the GHRC has been seized of a matter by the women's activist organisation, Bailancho Saad, about Hindu women being disrobed before cremation.  

Both these issues are being taken up together since on a cultural or societal basis they are somewhat connected. Now Goa Konkani Academy is a literary institution and that one would believe it is fully competent to assess what is pornography and what is not as well as judge whether any book is deserving of its award. This is an internal matter and constitution of committees not being proper as raised in the report is again an internal matter. A broader comment is that world over pornography finds its place in literature so why not in Konkani? About the content of Wagh's poems being offensive to a particular community, it is a matter of subjective judgment. If the  GSB's are deeply hurt by the book, then the appropriate action to be taken by them would be to get the book banned  in which case it would automatically stop the further 'perceived' hurt and also not be eligible for an award by the Goa Konkani Academy. Now as far as the hurt caused to the GSB community, is it widespread or only to those persons mentioned in the news item? This will determine what action can be taken since sometimes some individuals tend to take a rigid and stubborn stand which is not what the community believes. This position then ends up being detrimental to the people at large and to the language as a whole. Looking at the matter in a broader context, we need to recognise that there is no single mechanism to be critical of other communities than what you belong to. People inclined to be critical will use the method and the language that they are comfortable with. This method and language also reflects the class and status of that community that is broaching the issue.

If we go back in history it is a fact that the GSB community came into the Konkan and lorded over the local people with religion and temples being the primary tool to show their superiority. Even as late as a few years ago we had eminent Konkani literary personalities leading movements for freeing entry of people of all classes into Goan temples. We have also read news items where Brahmin priests refuse to perform pujas in the houses of those considered to be lower class communities. Thus these feelings of segregation are entrenched into our psyches and for those able to express their resentment over these issues like Wagh, it comes out in their writing through anger and frustration. We cannot wish these matters away and need to recognise them as fact. Maybe there is a need to express our regret to these other communities in a large-hearted manner while at the same time making our religion as free and universal as possible. This will alleviate to some extent the ill-feelings.

In the same context one would have though that the report about disrobing Hindu women in Goa prior to cremation was a mischievous report. But considering it has gone up to the GHRC there must be a grain of truth in it. If it is happening then it is shameful and immediate steps should be taken to put an end to it. It is not a matter of religion but that of the status of women per se which demands that we respect women and more so when they are dead and do not insult them by exhibiting them disrobed in front of a public audience. Where we have lived most of our lives in Eastern and Northern India and in Dakshin Kannada where we come from, women when dead are taken for cremation wearing their best attire more so if they die while their husbands are alive. Even the age old practice of sati, since abolished, required the wife to dress in her finest and climb onto the funeral pyre of her dead husband. During the process of sati and thereafter the woman was elevated to the status of a goddess. That was the kind of respect given them. Thus in Goa if a woman after her death is insulted and shamed in front of prying eyes of the public at large then it is utterly shameful and a black mark on the community for having carried this practice into the 21st century.

To those who have commented about being insulted from Wagh's book which is of relatively recent origin while keeping silent about the practice of disrobing Hindu women at the time of cremation, we need to tell them that the latter is a bigger shame to the community than poems can cause. So it is time that the community cleansed itself of these historical and structural ills rather than express umbrage about lesser matters.

                                          Reliance Jio's CSI - Corporate Social Ir-Responsibility

Reliance Jio has been crowing to themselves on the rise of its subscriber base & the massive bookings received for its Smartphone offered at Rs. 1,500 refundable deposit. In the process of doing this it has sent all its rivals in the mobile telecom business in various kinds of financial trouble. However Reliance Jio emerging from the large corporate group of  Reliance Industries led by Mukesh Ambani is already showing signs of CSI - Corporate Social Ir-Responsibility instead of CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility true to the legacy of its parent. In its zeal to lay fiber optic cables it has, at least in Goa, made a mess of the road surface by making haphazard and zig-zag lines that run along the side of the road and at places leaving the trench that they have dug unfilled. The width of this trench is just about that of a 2-wheeler tyre and many accidents have happened and will continue to happen when particularly at night the tyre falls awkwardly into this trench. This slipshod work is completely irresponsible on the part of Reliance Jio which given the technological and financial clout it commands should have set standards for the cable laying among other things. Reliance Jio needs to re-visit the cable laying and correct the flaws since roads are continually in use and should not be left damaged. Not only that in Alto St Cruz where the road meets the University Road at Bambolim, Reliance Jio has appropriated a traffic circle right in the middle of the road and put up its mobile tower there. This has been objected by the locals since the circle should have been used for an overhead mast traffic light since it is a 4-road intersection there which is quite busy through the day and night. The Reliance Jio tower has been there for a year ignoring the protests since it could have been either moved to the side of the road where enough space is there or a masthead light affixed on top of the mobile tower which would have been a pro-active way to resolve the issue. But the problem with the Reliance group is that any of their actions are characterised by the arrogance of money. It is said that suppliers to the group are asked to forgo their contractual balance payments sometimes ranging up to 10% as donations to the group with the suppliers being asked why they cannot do this gesture to the Reliance group. This coming from a group that is headed by the richest man in India, Mukesh Ambani! Thus it is time that the newest entrant, Reliance Jio, to the group show some CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility and not CSI - Corporate Social Ir-Responsibility.

                                                           Celebrating Independence Day

Every year we make such a big thing about Independence Day. There are two premises here on whether we should continue to institutionalise these celebrations. The first is that of age, for an event that happened in 1947, 70 years later we are still wanting to celebrate it? Is this proper? Since what we should be doing is it not to seriously introspect as to where we stand today and review our nation's achievements, failures, joys and disappointments. Continuing to celebrate the getting of independence re-instates the fact that we had been subjugated in our collective consciousness, a reminder of bondage which may not be a necessary thing for our youth and those born after 1947. Just after Venkiah Naidu became Vice President, it was reported in the media that he was the first VP born after 1947. Thus when out topmost leadership is beyond 1947 why do we need to carry this baggage of Independence Day.

The second is that these Independence Day celebrations are a deliberate tool used by our politicians to brainwash and sway our minds to this day. This is done only to serve their personal and political ends. This is more so to the vast majority of illiterate citizens who are easily swayed by the sight of the unfurling tricolour. The politician tries to associate himself in some way with the national flag flying high from the mast, though he himself would not have had anything to do with it. This fact is true for the entire Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) that is currently ensconced in government since none of them were involved in the fight for freedom from the British. This deficiency has been accentuated all the more by one can say the forced retirement of the senior leaders  like LK Advani or Murli Manohar Joshi who by virtue of their age could have claimed some link to having secured our freedom. But to cover up this fact the BJP has been desperate to appropriate the heritage of our eminent past leaders like B R Ambedkar and Sardar Vallabhai Patel for which there does not seem to be any reasonable logic.

Thus, the reason for celebrating Independence Day does not exist since it is much behind us, we have leaders now who were born after Independence and we have a party, BJP, in power today and most likely to win in the 2019 elections that has had no link to the freedom struggle. So let us put 15 August 1947 behind us for all time to come by just recognising it as a token day when the British left the shores of India so that we could steer our own destiny given the intractable problems like Pakistan that they have left us to fend with. 

                                                      On Human Fatalities As A Measure O Development 

There has been unusual rain over the last month in India particularly in the cities of Mumbai and Bengaluru which grabs media headlines though when large parts of Bihar and Assam have been facing recurring floods, it is ignored. And then there was the deluge that accompanied Hurricane Harvey that inundated Houston with 40ins. of rain. If you compare fatalities between Houston, Mumbai and Bengaluru in that order considering the intensity of rain that fell along with the lives lost in the rural areas of India, you will find that Houston with just 40 deaths is much lower than any of the Indian locations with some 300 in Bihar being the highest. Even in U.K. and Europe with calamities faced with unseasonal flooding and forest fires the human loss of life is at a minimum. The lesson in this is that development means to keep human fatalities at the minimum when faced with natural or man-made disasters and does not relate to only construction of roads and bridges. Infrastructure does not automatically guarantee saving human lives but what is required is a frame of mind to recognise that human lives are precious and need to be saved. In contrast we in India measure the scale of any disaster by the number of lives lost and the amount of media attention, visits of ministers and politicians, relief, compensation etc. is measured by this norm. Is it because human life is cheap in India?

                                                    On Nirmala Sitharaman As Defence Minister 

Nirmala Sitharaman came as a rookie some 5 years ago in the role of a BJP spokesperson and initially was fumbling around for the proper words and proper arguments on many a TV panel discussion. But as time passed her combativeness and command on the language asserted itself and she became one of the preferred speakers for the party. Progressively she became a Minister for Commerce & Industry where one must say her performance was not so exceptional what with exports refusing to move on a growth path and industry remaining in the doldrums for one reason or another. Hence her elevation to Defence Minister is a surprise, more so because it is a male ministry. The fact that after Indira Gandhi she is the first woman Defence Minister only serves to garner brownie points for the government on a public relations platform. Since if memory serves one right Indira Gandhi was the Defence Minister when she was also the Prime Minister. That is a different cup of tea as anyone would admit. So Nirmala Sitharaman has her task cut out for her and it is very important for herself and this government that she performs well. Concluding one would wish her all the best in the onerous task of taking on a man's world and show that she is capable of dealing with the portfolio. An aside to the recent Cabinet re-shuffle is that it is apparent that the BJP continues to suffer a paucity of capable leaders to fit into ministerial slots. This may be a welcome situation for the duo of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah since then they can have their own way on most things.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

                                                          VOX POPULI
                                                               S Kamat
                                                               Aam Admi
    Issue: 217                     Date: 04.09.2017


1. Nilekani At The Helm Of Infosys
2. Demonetisation Dissected
3. Chasing Black Money 
4. Reviewing India At The World Badminton Championships
5. Get Rid Of The Lucky 7 Casino Ship & Now

          A Very Happy Onam To All Of You Particularly My Malayali Friends.

                                           Nilekani At The Helm Of Infosys 

When the Infosys stock sneezes, the founders asset holdings catch a severe cold. Thus Nandan Nilekani's appointment as the Chairman of Infosys is no surprise. He has been put there to shore up the Infosys scrip since a slide will be costly to all shareholders more so the founders. But this transition of bringing Nilekani in had to be managed properly in a public relations context and hence the circus of orchestrating it as if the primary institutional investors had asked for it etc. etc. There is however no doubt that Nilekani is the right man for the job. One is also sure that even this assignment into which he has been catapulted in, he will come out with flying colours. Infosys deserves to right itself in the manner of a rocking boat since it is also one of the significant bell-weathers of the Indian IT industry and employs a lot of people whose futures are at stake. For all of Narayanamurthy's talk about corporate governance now, Infosys is no different than other Indian corporate houses of having a hoary past consisting of cutting corners in excise regulations at its inception with its hardware products since given up and innovative (!) management of income tax exemptions for software operations. Now that such things are behind them, they think that the halo that they have put on their heads gives them the licence to slander other professional people.

                                           Demonetisation Dissected

There has been many a view, pro and  con, on the issue of Demonetisation and more so with the announcement by RBI lately that 99% of the demonetised notes came back. One would believe that we should not assess this measure on purely economic and political terms. To put this issue to rest as an extreme and repressive measure, we need to assess Demonetisation on the Index of Human Happiness. This is in line with the current trends where GDP is considered no longer the index of prosperity but the Happiness Index on which latter measure Bhutan scored the highest in the world. This approach will bring out the truth and show how Demonetisation inflicted distress and misery on the people at large and more so on the lower strata of our society. Words of adulation are being showered on PM Narendra Modi for having the courage to have implemented this measure. But in the same breath one must say that bravado is chosen by fools and those who are lesser educated who tend to ignore the negative implications of their actions. There are others who say that the results of the elections held since Nov 2016 where the BJP got a massive endorsement from the people is proof enough that Modi's policies are acceptable by the people. But what they forget is that elections are a completely different ball-game. Elections are won and lost on many issues and the least among them is monetary policy. The other issue here is that we should not rush to count our laurels based on the endorsement of the illiterate and the gullible which is what is the large mass of the voting public in India. Concluding policy measures are taken up by governments which are able to reasonably assess the gains and losses arising out of any action. Rarely do they go out on a limb and hope for the best as this Modi government has been doing and then launch cover-up measures like trying o hide the number of demonetised notes that came back and outflanking initiatives like digital economy. All this was unnecessary since the human cost was very heavy and each of these measures could have been done at their own time and pace slowly but surely.

                                         Chasing Black Money 

Today's (31.8.2017) banner headline in newspapers - 99% Of Scrapped Notes Back In System: RBI. So much for Narendra Modi's Demonetisation initiative and unleashing a wave of disorder and misery across the country. Now he & the BJP will tomtom that at least 1% amounting to some Rs. 16,000 crores  of black money was caught in the net, little realising that all this is not black money since there were lakhs of citizens including NRI's who could not meet the deadlines for return of the old notes. Not only that, assuming all the Rs. 16,000 crores is black money, at what cost was this obtained apart from the human cost cited above? The government got some Rs. 30,000 crore less dividend for 2016-17 last year from the RBI. So you spent more to recover less or in fishing terms you used a mackerel as bait to catch a mackerel! This is the idiocy of the present BJP government. It is time that a minimum stipulation of being a graduate is imposed by the Election Commission for fighting elections in India. We are all being exposed to financial terrorism by the State ever since Nov 2016.

                Reviewing India At The World Badminton Championships

The performance of our Indian players in the recently concluded World Badminton Championships at Glasgow has been stupendous, more so the women players led by the irrepressible P V Sindhu and the indefatigable Saina Nehwal, the prime members of the Hyderabad Phalanx as one could call the troop of good badminton players that are coming out of that city. The second place silver medal for Sindhu and the bronze medal for Saina in the women's singles has been the best ever by India in the World Badminton Championships. For this the girls deserve all the kudos that are being showered on them particularly on Sindhu. This year's performance augurs well for the future when one can expect more medals, maybe even a gold that Sindhu missed this year. The media as well as the people have been lavishing praise on Sindhu in the manner of an indulgent Indian parent but one needs to go a bit deeper than that.

To take a contrarian view on the performance of both Saina & Sindhu, one would have to say  that Saina's was a laboured but valiant performance. Saina is clearly not fully fit and her legs and knee have been letting her down. She also knows this as evident from her statement that given the state of her fitness she regretted having gone for the Rio Olympics. In any case, she needs to work on her fitness if she wants to remain in competitive badminton.

As  for Sindhu's journey at the World Badminton Championships, If one analyses her performance from the quarter final stage, you had a changed Sindhu that you were seeing on the court. An aggressive attitude coupled with some new shots in her armoury. This was a pleasant and welcome change. Fast forward now to the women's singles final and you have Sindhu starting off well with early leads of 5-6 points squandered away as the game progressed. She was her usual self midway into the first game and then started withdrawing into her shell thereafter. Lost was the smash and Sindhu was playing the game as dictated by her opponent. This was becoming like the Rio Olympics final between Marin & Sindhu, the latter playing second fiddle to Marin's game. No wonder Sindhu lost because in her mind she had already given away the game. There are two things that her coach, Gopi Chand can do. The first is simple, build Sindhu's bulk and stamina by weight and physical training. This will stop the fatigue that was shown on the court. It is not that only Sindhu was fatigued during the match but also her opponent. This was because it was an up and down match with some long rallies. But less fatigue leads to a clearer and sharper brain. The other thing that her coach needs to instil in Sindhu is to strengthen her mind and to stick to her natural game as much as possible. Also not eschew some of the new strokes she has picked up for fear that they may go wrong. However, Sindhu is still young and she has a long way to go and will surely win more medals and bring more laurels to the country. But if she had come back from this World Championships with a gold, would not the celebrations have been more than for the silver she got! Not only that, it would have been another milestone crossed and she could have said - Been There, Done That. The stamina and strength of mind are the common issues that all Indian sportspersons face but the younger ones today have an opportunity to correct that.

Concluding, the contribution of our badminton coaches with Gopi Chand and Vimal Kumar at the forefront, cannot be but lauded as much as the performance of the players. They have been equally responsible for making India a force in world badminton today.

                                           Get Rid Of The Lucky 7 Casino Ship & Now

The fiasco like that of the Lucky 7 casino ship that has been washed ashore will only happen in Goa. This is because ship owners particularly those of casino ships who are prone to cut more corners know that in Goa the people and more so the government are easy going. They can get away with murder and more as Gopal Kanda, the director of the Golden Globe Hotels, owners of the Lucky 7 casino ship, knows. The precedence of the Silver Princess disaster is before them where the removal was done with excruciating delay that turned to be agonising for the Candolim beach visitors, the local fishing community, the people residing near the beach and lastly the beach and the marine environment. In similar circumstance over the last year in Karnataka, there have been two cases of ships running aground. One near Karwar and the other at Panambur near the Mangalore port. In the first instance at Karwar the ship was removed from the beach in three working days. At Panambur since there was also oil leakage it took a little longer but the ship was taken away within a week, while with the Lucky 7 ship we are coming close to a  month and still there is no solution in sight. If the new salvage operators are to be believed though there is no confirmation yet that anyone has been appointed, any salvage operations can begin only after Sept 15 when the ports will re-open after the monsoon. Also as per reports given by them considering the big hole in the bottom of the Lucky 7 ship, it is safer and better for the ship to be dismantled at the Miramar beach. This will surely mean at the ship will remain as an eyesore at Miramar beach for another two years and the usage of the beach will be limited and the dismantling operations will further damage the beach and the facilities nearby. All this while the owners of the Lucky 7 ship will be sitting pretty with no worries. It is time therefore that a lesson be taught to the owners of the ship by jailing them on grounds of deliberately spoiling Goa's environment and irresponsible behaviour post the grounding of the ship. On this matter one was aghast to read last week in the papers that until the election code of conduct imposed because of the Panjim bye-elections is withdrawn nothing can be done about the Lucky 7 ship. This is stupid since with an environmental disaster looming over the city because of the ship we cannot do anything because an election code of conduct is in place! So if a tsunami hits Goa's beaches now or a natural disaster occurs, is it that we cannot  implement protective and relief measures because of the election code of conduct! Cast these things aside and get cracking on removing the Lucky 7  ship and taking punitive action gains the ship owners. These fellows seem to dare to do these things only in Goa and no other place.                                                        ***********************************