Monday, July 24, 2017



S Kamat
Aam Admi

Issue: 211                       Date: 24.07.2017


1.       The Indian Economy In Need Of Rejuvenation
2.       Official Cars In Government
3.       Parrikar’s Duplicity On Casinos
4.       An Interesting Insight On The Candidates For President and VP
5.       Ecological Risk at Miramar Beach in Goa
6.       CSJP Should Respect Administrative Action
7.       BJP's Cow Lynching Agenda
8.       Demolition Notices On Buildings In The Vicinity Of The SantaCruz Airport
9.       China and Pakistan Outmaneuvering India's Foreign Policy

                         The Indian Economy In Need Of Rejuvenation

There is something fundamentally wrong with the  Indian economy and one can attribute it among other factors to salary compensation particularly of government employees that has been implemented over the last 15 years or so. From the 5th Pay Commission the rot set in which has continued to the present day when the 7th Pay Commission has been just rolled out. The government in India is the major employer. Though the Pay Commissions are meant for Central government employees, it is made applicable to State government and quasi-government employees as well. This makes the Pay Commission pay scales applicable to a large part of the employees of the country.  It also has a spinoff effect on the rise in salaries of the employees in the private sector. There is a variant that we need to touch upon here and that is the IT - Information Technology sector. Since the boom years of the late 1980's and 90's the IT sector salaries have been on the rise in their attempt to approximate the salaries that are paid in this sector in developed countries particularly the US. However, as a trigger for inflation the government sector employees, the large mass that they are, dominate the impact. Thus at the top half of the jobs market that is rather elite the salaries are indexed to the US Dollar while in the rest of the jobs the salaries are being hiked because prices in the market are going up and cost of living is becoming high. There is another category that seeks higher remuneration and that is our legislators both of Parliament and that of the State Assemblies. Their argument is that everyone has got a raise and it has been a long time since their salaries were reviewed.

Now it is a known fact that people in government rarely work or it is rare to see some people work. Therefore paying them beyond what work they deliver is patently irregular. Thus you have lakhs of people with more money than they need to live decently. This is what causes inflation as we are told in the first principle of economic theory that more money chasing less goods causes prices to go up. This is what has happened in the Indian economy. The raises that the government sector employees, in this are included all employees who got Pay Commission benefits either directly or indirectly, got has not resulted  in any increase in their productivity to put more goods and services in the market. Neither has corruption gone down. It was argued that if you pay employees more, they may perform better and also not resort to corruption. But these beliefs have been proved completely untrue in India. Not only that the excess money in people's hands has been finding its way towards conspicuous consumption and to spiralling prices of real estate. Though after demonetisation the prices of real estate across the country have marginally stabilised.

To resolve this there is no way we can impound the salaries being given to employees nor can we reduce the take home pay now. Impounding was an option at the time when the Pay Commissions were being implemented to have the increase compulsorily put in long term savings instruments so that the money supply in the economy could be controlled. Since it was not done we cannot re-visit that option. But the government can start serious negotiations with the unions of government employees on delivering productivity at the workplace. With this one could give 80% of the present salary as guaranteed minimum and the rest 20% indexed to a productivity scale as appropriate to the job. Not only that as a carrot the variable could be as high as 40% making an employee eligible for 120% of his salary if he performs exceptionally at the job. One hates to be pessimistic, but in India a projection would be that this salary band would set at 80-85% of salary. Thus every month more than 15% of the salary budget would be sucked out of the economy. Most private sector entities and the informal sector already work on some kind of an incentivised wage system and should have no problem in accepting this proposition. This would also have a salubrious effect on the economy. 

The rise in prices that we have been seeing across the board in the last few years is because of the excess money supply as we have positioned earlier. Added to that in agricultural commodities be it pulses or vegetables we have the factor of a vagrant monsoon which leads to sharp variations in prices. Like with the monsoon playing truant in the last few years it was sugar that had peaked and then year before last it was pulses that went through the roof. This was interspersed by random peaks reached for onions and potatoes though milder and lately tomatoes. Last year with a better than average monsoon, prices of pulses crashed. Thankfully sugar has been holding the fort. Even when prices of agricultural commodities rise most people would not mind if the farmers were benefited. But it has been seen with the swing in prices farmers have been at the receiving end and suicides have been on the increase. It is the distribution chain from farmer to market that is making money when prices rise. The private oligopolist buying structure of farm produce has been benefited disproportionately. The wholesalers and retailers have been offering a fait accompli to buyers in the market - take it or leave it. 

For farmers to get remunerative prices the government has to work out a buffer price scheme that will factor in times of shortages as well as surpluses and provide a guaranteed price to the farmers. As for perishable products a cold chain process from farm to market has to be put in place in those areas which supply a large part of the produce. This will reduce wastage and also give better quality of produce to customers.
The government over the last two decades has been actively pursuing a policy of encouraging the movement of people from the rural areas into our towns and cities. This policy is based on a UN report that rapid urbanisation is good for the developing economies. You can hear echoes of this in some of Arun Jaitley's speeches where he exhorts people to move to the cities. This is in fact is a wrong policy since if people leave our rural areas then who will be there to support agriculture. Not only that by people moving to our cities in large numbers, we will only increase our slums, promote ghettoism and generate a massive strain on public services  like water, power, transportation and health. Resultant effect our cities will become dirty, congested and the standard of living will drop drastically. Not only that with lesser people in rural areas to support 
agriculture we will have shortages of foodgrains and progressively famine. Sometimes the UN reports tend to be biased towards the more developed Western economies and more often than not authored by experts from these countries. Thus they tend to promote consumerism, the belief that getting people into one place is then easier to organise and manage infrastructure and support systems and the vacated rural areas lend themselves better to organised farming. This kind of thing works for their ethos and the large landholdings of individual farmers. But our societies are different which will not accept these premises since our landholdings are small, the ownership diverse and no corporate investments in agriculture exist or are likely. 

The distributor/retailer alliance also have been taking advantage of the Indian psyche that has been prone to living with shortages for generations making buyers desperate for supplies. This has been exploited to the hilt by the trade to get customers to buy more than what they need so that an artificial shortage is created and prices are managed to remain high. Here again when it comes to agricultural commodities buyers would not mind paying the higher prices if commensurately the quality and packaging of items is improved. So if you are buying tomatoes at Rs. 20 per Kg. In good times or at Rs. 100 per Kg. during scarcity you will find the quality in good times is better than during scarcity where because of the scare in the latter times in the name of tomatoes lower grade and sometimes unripe ones are sold and buyers grab it thinking that the end of the world is at hand. In India there is no value given to the higher price that you pay for a commodity. In contrast abroad particular in the developed countries, the higher the price of a commodity, the better will be its quality and packaging as also the service that you are given in the buying process. The wholesalers and traders in India are making merry in these times of ding-dong prices little realizing that their days of reckoning are near with the big departmental stores likely to take away a majority of their business. There are many departmental stores that buy perishable produce and other commodities direct from the farmers or supply source leading to better prices for the growers and reasonable price and quality for the consumers.

At the other end of the scale in our economy it is industry which is lagging behind as many say because of a sluggish worldwide economy leading to less buoyant exports and also because of lack of investment. We cannot much do anything about the world economy but local production can be stimulated to revive industry. The major stumbling block to this are the NPA’s created by some industries with the banks which at various estimates is put at Rs. 8- 10 Lakh crores. The banks are unable to offer credit to these defaulters while at the same time are hesitant to offer credit to others for fear of default and being questioned for their actions. To resolve this situation the government and RBI have released an ordinance to proceed on bankruptcy norms with the earlier NPA’s and to protect the existing banking system from vigilance action. This is neither here nor there. The bankruptcy action will only shift the NPA’s from the banks cleaning up their balance sheets over a period of time to the courts. Even the sale of assets of the NPA’s which is conceived may not happen all the time since it depends on the quality of the asset and the fact that the desired recovery of price may not come. This has been proven in the Kingfisher case with SBI still struggling to find buyers who will pay remunerative prices. Thus the NPA problem will remain and the present process thought of just shifts the liability from one pocket of the government to another. Protecting bankers is another erroneous thing that the government is proposing since some of them need to be brought to book and senior management at that so that the message goes across that malpractices will not be tolerated. Just like Vijay Mallya is named as the wonder-boy of NPA’s so also some bankers need be named as the blue-eyed boys for the creation of the self-same NPA’s.

As for industrial growth, the government needs to stimulate select sunrise sectors and vigorously promote these so that they can take in the present slack of industrial growth and can also be the beacons of future growth. Proceeding in this manner will create employment leading to lesser disenchantment in the economy that is prevailing now and set the economy back on the path of structured growth.

This method as positioned above is what should be adopted by Narendra Modi and his government  so that they realize that governance does not mean just winning elections but taking meaningful short-term and long-term measures for the welfare of the people who are looking for work and a living wage and nothing more. 

Official Cars In Government

Last week during the Assembly session it was revealed that the government for buying new cars for  its ministers has spent amounts ranging from Rs. 16-23 Lakhs. One wonders why such large amounts are being spent by the representatives of the people for getting around. It is yet another area where the government can save some money. Agreed that a car needs to be at the disposal of the minister but can it not be a functional one to serve the purposes of locomotion. There are many cars of the sedan category like the Maruti Desire with other manufacturers also in the range of Rs. 8 Lakhs or so. Thus a list can be made of approved cars in this price range from which the ministers can choose the one they want. In fact the best option would be a single type with the same colour like the good old days when the white Ambassador was the de-facto government car. In fact following such a policy would make a government car easily recognisable when it is on the road. Thus the government would be better advised to freeze any buying of new cars until it comes with a policy as above on the issue. Postscript: We have seen Ram Nath Kovind, now elected as President of India, using an expensive Mercedes car while he was Governor of Bihar. The post by itself is superfluous and then why the show of pomp and ostentation towards it. These are hangovers from the British Raj. The President and Prime Minister of India considering their status as heads of state and that of government can be allowed luxury cars as long as they wish so considering they have to receive their counterparts from foreign countries. All others ministers and officialdom should have functional cars as described above and scaling down as appropriate to their position. 

Parrikar’s Duplicity On Casinos

The comments that the CM has made about casinos is highly improper. Justifying them on the basis of generation of revenue, employment and tourism and consequently development is a skewed approach at looking at things by any responsible administration authority. One can say that what about congestion that the casinos cause in the Mandovi for river maritime traffic, the pollution of the river, an avenue for black money channelisation to the white economy and the impact on Goan society where some are getting addicted to gambling. As for crime rate not being affected by casinos, it is a matter of interpretation and open to question. The revenues from casinos are like the wages of sin. No good will come from living on these kind of proceeds. In fact if such revenue is acceptable to Goa then we should go the whole hog and legalise prostitution. Goa can then sign agreements with Thailand as partnership country which with the same approach has made money out of vice like prostitution, gambling and drugs. The casino owners also have more often than not thumbed their nose at the Goa government like in the present case of  the Lucky 7 casino which was irresponsible enough to ignore warning to bring their ship into the Mandovi with consequent risk to the Miramar beach and the people of Panjim. Concluding true to Parrikar's style which has not changed even after he has had a stint at the Centre, he speaks twisting facts to suit his convenience. Like now casinos fund Goa's development, why because Parrikar in his over-enthusiasm banned mining even before the Supreme Court strictures came in and is now singing paens to the contribution of casino revenue to Goa's development.

. An Interesting Insight On The Candidates For President and VP

The voting for the Indian Presidential election is completed and Ram Nath Kovind has got elected. The candidates for this election and for that of the Vice President announced recently have an interesting aspect to them. The BJP and NDA candidates in Ram Nath Kovind and Venkiah Naidu suffer from the fact that the latter is more known, has more stature on the political scene and has more experience than Kovind. While the Opposition candidates throw up a generational issue. Meira Kumar is Jagjivan Ram's daughter while Gopal Krishna Gandhi is Mahatma Gandhi's grandson. One would expect in the normal course that the Gandhi connection makes for a President but then what seems to have prevailed maybe in Meira Kumar's favour is that she is one step removed from eminence while Gopalkrishna Gandhi is two steps removed though the Mahatma's halo is stronger than Jagjivan Ram's. The fact that she has wider political experience must also have clinched the issue in her favour.

Ecological Risk at Miramar Beach in Goa

The episode of the Lucky 7 casino ship stranded at the Miramar beach is leading up to a River Princess like fiasco. The removal of 12,000 litres of fuel from the ship could have risks in the kind of stormy weather prevailing now of an oil spill on the Miramar beach. This whole situation has been created as is understood from the newspapers by the refusal of the Lucky 7 to heed the Captain of Ports warning not to bring in the ship into the Mandovi during the monsoon. One cannot understand how the ship's owners can disregard the warning of an expert authority. They need to be penalised severely so that it is understood by everyone that such irresponsible action will not be overlooked. Even Parrikar's comment on the issue that the Lucky 7 was being brought into the river at this time on the basis of the High Court's advice is a vague response since the HC is no authority on maritime matters. If even the HC advice was there it could have been implemented after the monsoon keeping the safety of the people at large in mind since now the Lucky 7 is an eyesore on Miramar beach and a potential ecological risk to Panjim. Postscript: In Goa the question these days is – Who is running the government – Parrikar or the casino owners?

CSJP Should Respect Administrative Action

Prologue: The background to this issue is that there were multiple desecration spread over a period of 2 weeks or more at multiple locations in Goa that in the majority consisted of damaging crosses and gravestones of the Catholic community as also some ghumtis and temples. The police had arrested a Christian person who later confessed having committed these crimes. The latest position in the matter is that this person has taken the police to 137 locations where he has conducted desecrations over a period of more than a decade.

The CSJP – Council for Social Justice and Peace, a Catholic run body, and their Fact Finding Committee on the recent desecrations of crosses and gravestones at cemeteries are carrying things a bit too far. The lone person of the Christian community who has been arrested for the desecrations has confessed to the  crime and the police seem to have sufficient corroborative evidence to implicate him to the events. Thus to question this is insulting the intelligence of the people at large. No doubt there may be others who are involved in the desecrations but for that let the police do their job. As good citizens we should accept at the first level government action which initially is to quell the situation which has been done with the single person's arrest. Give them time and the police may unearth others involved. But before that questioning the arrest and accusing the government of wanting to put a lid on the matter, seems to be highly improper. The same kind of thing was done in the case of Father Bismarck's unfortunate death and the poor fellow is in suspended animation between Goa and Heaven! All such things are done by CSJP and other people to serve their own agendas and get their 2 minutes of publicity in the arc-lights of the media. They should eschew these tendencies. In fact what CSJP should have done is to recognise reality that one of their own faith is responsible for the desecrations and this is not the first time that this has happened.  To comat this it would be best if they institute a mechanism in association with the Church to keep an eye out among the people of the Christian faith who would be potential trouble makers and take steps to counsel them. Concluding, one must say that the efforts of Hema Sardesai and others who appealed for communal harmony and held the Peace concert should be lauded. But not the Vasco businessman who offered to make good the crosses and the gravestones since the latter should know that his actions are nothing to foster communal harmony but help the community and those families who have been affected by the desecrations and clearly he is also fishing for free publicity. Postscript: A simple way to handle this matter by the Christian community is to have the Church formally ostracise the perpetrator, then the Christian community will come out clean.

BJP's Cow Lynching Agenda

Narendra Modi's denouncement of those that are spreading violence in the name of protecting the cow and asking the States to crack down on offenders is too little, too late. This is what he did in Gujarat in 2002, allowing the rioters free rein for 3 days before calling the Army in. In this instance also after more than 60 incidents across the country in the last 3 years, it is now that he is coming out with a definitive stand on the issue. But even now it is more by compulsion to take the wind out of the sails of the Opposition who are planning to raise the issue in a big way in the upcoming Monsoon Session of Parliament. The cow lynchers also know this and they realise that with this statement by the PM they are being asked to lie low for some time and then once public sentiment has subsided then they can go ahead with their nefarious activities. Even in the PM's statement on the beef lynchings he is asking the Opposition not to use the issue to derive political mileage. Should this rule not apply to the BJP which is holding the seat of government? Or is it that the BJP has the right to instigate but expect others to keep their mouth shut? That the beef lynchings are orchestrated is corroborated apart from other evidence is in the comments made by Braj Behari Kumar, the Chairman of ICSSR - Indian Council of Social Science Research, a government body, saying that the holding of beef festivals hurt 90% of our population. Little does Kumar realise that the beef festivals are held more frequently now across the country to respond to the cow lynching agenda propagated by the BJP and were rare in the past except for an annual affair at Osmania University at Hyderabad. It is thus clear that the BJP are behind the spate of lynchings that have crisscrossed the country over the last few years fomenting communal tension.

Demolition Notices On Buildings In The Vicinity Of The SantaCruz Airport

The demolition or modification notices (call it what you will) on buildings in the vicinity of the SantaCruz airport for height issues needs to be withdrawn for buildings that are more than 20 years old and particularly those served on 2-storied houses. Irrespective of any irregularties in obtaining the building clearance from the AAI these houses have been subsisting for more than two decades and should be given carte blanche exemptions. We need to remember that people and their dwellings are more important than airports. Thus if it is a choice between people and airports, it is the airport that should move. As it is Santa Cruz airport located right in the middle of the city and with its increasing traffic of flghts is a disaster waiting to happen. Therefore before we have a plane crash in the adjoining mass of civilian buildings a decision needs to be taken to shut it down once the new airport at Navi Mumbai comes up. To that extent the new airport needs to be expedited. As regards the slums that have grown across the periphery of Santa Cruz airport, there need not be any leeway given to these and they should be summarily demolished with the people being rehabilitated elsewhere. 

China and Pakistan Outmaneuvering India's Foreign Policy

China and Pakistan are keeping India rattled on its borders with them by outmaneuvering our foreign policy babus. This is being engineered more by China than Pakistan with the latter continuing to use the same old tools of cross-border terrorism and Kashmir. With the India-US bonhomie in recent times being a thorn in China's eyes and considering the confrontation it has been having with the US  in the South China Sea, China has been trying to keep India on the back foot by hinting that Asia should stick together. India not joining China's Silk Road initiative on the US' advice as China thinks, is yet another sore point. Therefore starting from India's admission to the NSG which China has been opposing in the face of approval from most countries in the group. Raising issues relating to demarcation of the border in Arunachal Pradesh to voicing objections on Dalai Lama's visit to that State, China continues to remain the conscientious objector on India linked matters. Raising dormant issues like the Dokalam plateau road on the junction of the Sikkim - Bhutan to a flash-point when in the normal course it would have been settled through official level meetings is yet another attempt to raise the pitch. In addition to this China has been using Pakistan, its Sancho Panza in the Don Quixote relationship, to stir up trouble in Kashmir, the latter country's favourite playing ground. That is why apart from many other reasons, we have been seeing the Kashmir Valley in turmoil for the last 6 months or more. And then to cap it all China comes with its offer of mediation in Kashmir! This ploy is to seek India to capitulate on one or the other issue, that is Dokalam and Arunachal Pradesh or Kashmir. This is where India's foreign policy has been failing being primarily reactive and depending on Modi's hugs which have no meaning unless you have meaty issues on the table. Thus whether it was the border issues or whatever India should have gone to the International Court of Justice to bring China to heel. Not doing that will only make it costly for India in the long run.

Sunday, July 16, 2017



S Kamat
Aam Admi

Issue: 210                       Date: 17.07.2017


1.      Has ‘Retail Inflation’ Figure Been Managed To Show Inflation Is Contained?
2.      The Killings of Pilgrims Bound for the Amarnath Yatra
3.      BCCI: The Times Are A Changin?
4.      Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times – India Adaptation
5.      On Venugopal Appointment As The Attorney General of India

Has ‘Retail Inflation’ Figure Been Managed To Show Inflation Is Contained?

The papers are full of the news that the June 2017 CPI is just 1.56% higher, the lowest rise in the last 20 years or for more impact since 1978 as we are told. The fall in CPI as one is led to believe is linked to the prices of food like vegetables, milk etc. dropping. This index is being taken as justifying the argument that inflation has been contained. This is absolutely not true. Why are we talking about CPI since the media reports carry the information that ‘retail inflation’ has been stopped in its tracks? This is yet another attempt by government to confuse the issue so that the common man at the first instance does not link the two. In any case ‘retail inflation’ is the old CPI indexed to 2012 though the basket of commodities in it may be different now. Thereafter the WPI figure has been released which shows just a modest increase of 0.9% thus reiterating the argument that price rise has been capped.

As for stopping inflation in its tracks, we have all seen how prices of tomatoes have been spiraling over the last 7-10 days and the same media carry news that this vegetable is being sold at some places in Mumbai at Rs. 100 per Kg. Not only that just yesterday I bought ridge gourd and string beans at Rs. 70 per Kg. in Goa which has been shooting up for the last month or more. So one wonders where this government gets its figures from about the fall in prices of vegetables. Do they at all visit the market to cross-check the figures that they are being fed by official agencies to make the government look good? The traders in the market will tell you traditionally prices of vegetables go up during the first part of the monsoon with the onset of rains. Not only that the Chief Economic Advisor has the temerity to quote that eggs in June 2017 went down by 0.08%. Now is that a figure to be quoted? What difference does 0.08% make to anybody? Is this government splitting hairs to support their contentious arguments.

Thus it is clear once again that the CPI figures have been massaged to support the government premise that inflation is under control where it is not. On the same page you have the June 2017 IIP being shown as sluggish and growing at just some 1.7% having been pulled down by the manufacturing sector among others. In fact this matches the CPI growth being in the same region sustaining the argument that these seem to be all ‘managed’ figures. Why are they doing this? To put pressure on RBI to cut interest rates which argument is derived from the fact that inflation is under control and that investment needs to be stimulated given the sluggish manufacturing.

The RBI should not succumb to these pressures like they did at the time of Demonetisation but take an independent decision whatever it may be which they are able to back with economic data and the past basis of similar decisions. The Indian economy judged by any standards is in a shambles what with GDP growth being hit by measures like Demonetisation and employment growth being stunted. Independent assessors of the unemployment scene in the country have said that Demonetisation, the H1B issue in the IT sector and the impact of GST that is still to kick in, are likely to show negative growth for jobs. The impact of Demonetisation on the small and medium sector and the informal sector where data comes on a 6-monthly basis and which is more than due now should show what the measure has done to these sectors and specifically to job losses and units having to be shut down altogether.

In summary, the Narendra Modi led government has no clue in which direction the economy is going and is shooting in the dark by unleashing economic measures one after another which is inflicting miseries on the common man. 

The Killings of Pilgrims Bound for the Amarnath Yatra

The Kashmir situation is going from bad to worse what with the killing of the 7 Gujarat pilgrims who were on their way for the Amarnath yatra. For long it has been known that the pilgrims on this yatra are a soft target for militants. The fact that the pilgrim buses were attacked with a hail of bullets shows that adequate security was not provided and/or shows up the lackadaisical attitude of our security forces on duty. The focus of the attack once fatalities occur of innocent pilgrims shifts to the sentimental aspect as covered by the media. Then like vultures the politicians descend for photo opportunities. We have our Home Minister waxing philosophical about Kashmiriyat at this time when he has failed at his first job of protecting our citizens. Every time we have a terror incident like this our administration and security forces throw up their hands and say - 'What could we have done? It just happened. Next time we will take adequate precaution.' This is the ongoing refrain repeated after every terror attack. And then the blame game starts as to who did not do their job? Whether it was the intelligence that failed the police, whether it was Centre or State etc. etc. The main issue of protecting the lives of innocent citizens is lost in the dust of recriminations that is blown up. This will not do. Our governments and through them the security forces should follow a 'zero tolerance' approach towards terror incidents. Where is the Chief of Army Staff now? Just about a month ago he was talking of giving our enemies a bloody nose, but he has been outwitted by a terrorist organisation at whose command the resources are not even 0.0001% of what the Indian Army has. Gen Rawat should pull up[ his socks and ensure that our Army completely seals off the borders with Pakistan and PoK. This will limit the number of cross-border attacks and those that originate in Pakistan. The Indian Army should understand that it is not enough to camp in a State like Kashmir and seek unlimited powers under the AFSPA act and still fail to perform their primary duty of keeping the enemy out of India and protect its citizens. When incidents like the above killing of the Amarnath pilgrims  occurs and watching the aftermath, one gets the disgusting feeling that all concerned be it the Army or the other security forces, the State and Central governments etc. etc. want such incidents to happen to get their two minutes of fame in the arc-lights of publicity and to lobby for resources, the victims be damned.

BCCI: The Times Are A Changin?

Finally Ravi Shastri has been appointed the India cricket team coach. One cannot say that the process was 'fixed' but one can safely assume that it was 'arranged'. The difference between the two words is that apparently due process was followed. However, the appointment of Ravi Shastri was a foregone conclusion. What with Sunil Gavaskar making the right noises once it was known that Anil Kumble was on his way out and that Shastri was being thought about. There is no doubt that Shastri has the  right credentials for the job. Added to that he gets along well with the players given that he has had a stint of team director before Kumble took over as the coach. But the entire process of decision making though it is made out that they have gone by the rules smacks of the working of an Old Boy's Club. Consistent with this premise Ravi Shastri’s task as coach seems to be constrained by the appointment of Rahul Dravid as the batting and Zaheer Khan as the bowling consultants. Then what is left in cricket, only fielding for which surely Bangar will be roped in. So what does Shastri actually then do as coach? In an Old Boy's Club everybody is accommodated to keep them happy and then if someone becomes disgruntled, then with a wink and a nudge they are asked to manage! Also deferring the decision of the coach appointment by a day as Ganguly explained so that the Committee could get the captain Virat Kohli's views is rather new. Since when have captains been consulted about coach appointments? Some years ago the captain had no say even on team composition and had to go in with the playing eleven chosen by the selectors. But like they say times, they are changin'!
The fact that BCCI is an Old Boy's Club has been brought home many a time to the discerning thinkers that follow the game of cricket in India. Otherwise we would not have a Committee of Administrators managing it at the present time. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours, is the common rule that is followed in the BCCI. Ramachandra Guha, one of the members of the above CoA, realised at the point of his resigning from the Committee when he raised issues of conflict of interest of some of the ex-cricketers like Sunil Gavaskar, Saurav Ganguly and Rahul Dravid among others. These personages don different hats for the BCCI while at the same time involving themselves in the IPL and their own commercial interests leading to questions of insider trading like situations and playing favourites to further their own interests in the choice of players etc. When Guha came out with his missive to the CoA spelling out his views in these matters, it was Gavaskar who took umbrage since he felt that he was always doing the right thing and in the interest of Indian cricket. But he forgot that there could be other interpretations to his work or that others may not see it the same way as he sees it. Thus Guha's long letter of resignation rocked the boat but the effect was minimal. Dravid the gentleman that he is and as reported in the press, was the first to give up his IPL roles and remain satisfied with his assignment as the coach for the India U-19 team, a BCCI position. Otherwise nothing has changed at the Old Boy's Club. There was a Guha ripple but things have settled down to the old normal since he is done and gone. 
What one feels is that the Old Boys at BCCI are just biding their time until the CoA runs out of steam or members whichever is earlier and they can come back to the driver's seat and run their fiefdoms as they please. 

Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times – India Adaptation

For those who have seen Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times, there is a somewhat Chaplinesque spin on what is happening these days in our country. This has to do with Narendra Modi and his governance supported by his prominent side-kick, Arun Jaitley. It is a story of incompetents and misfits who are playing with this country's future and slowly but surely taking it down the path of degradation and ruin. Take the initiatives highly touted by the BJP government of Demonetisation, Cashless Society and the latest in this line, GST. In all this taking a cue from Modern Times, you will find Arun Jaitley hammering away at a machine trying to fit a peg into a hole. Not being successful, he continues in exasperation to hammer away in Charlie Chaplin-style. We have Narendra Modi in the scene looking over Jaitley’s shoulder scratching his head all the time and muttering to himself – ‘Why is the Gujarat model not working?’. A close-up of the action shows Jaitley trying to fit a square peg into a round hole! This is evident from the fact that under Jaitley's instructions the RBI during the first 50 days after the 8th Nov 2016 Demonetisation issued more than 50 guidelines to the banking system on how ‘not’ to handle currency notes. The Cashless Society that is losing steam and the GST the results on which are yet to come initiatives though laudable are something which India is not yet ready considering the lack of computer literacy and the irregular and unreliable computer networking across our wide and disparate country. Given the present awareness of computers in the country there is a need for a large amount of hand-holding that is required for users to get aboard the system networks. You cannot operate on a Take It or Leave It mode. The exasperation is seen in all this by the number of threatening strictures and conditions that are being imposed by government on common people and the trading community. Where the carrot is required to be proffered, it is the stick (nay, a danda!) that is being shown to a bewildered citizenry. Back to the Modern Times – India Adaptation, we find Jaitley trying to justify to Modi about the punitive measures being taken. But Modi continues to look at Jaitley non-plussed. All the while he is scratching his head and continuing to mutter to himself, is seen to be walking out of the room. But this time he is saying under his breath – ‘Wish I had someone to take Jaitley’s place.’ The End - Modern Times – India Adaptation.

On Venugopal Appointment As The Attorney General of India
Lately we have had news of K K Venugopal having been appointed as the Attorney General of India. The news reports detail a long list of his achievements in the legal field and mention that he has been awarded both the Padma Bhushan and the Padma Vibhushan. We are also told that he is in his eighties, some papers put him at 82 while others say 86. If so given his long and distinguished career as a legal luminary where was the need for him to accept the post of AG? Considering his age, should he not have gracefully declined the offer and told the government to give the position to someone younger and deserving? If people like Venugopal and Ram Jethmalani continue to be jealously attached to their profession in their 80's where will the younger lawyers go? At least Jethmalani is involved in private practice while Venugopal is accepting an official government position and that too following in the footsteps of Mukul Rohatgi a much junior person of the same profession. There is no problem in Venugopal in continuing his legal practice and guiding juniors or even taking up an advisory role to the government but taking up the assignment of AG seems to be a little incongruous.

Sunday, July 9, 2017



S Kamat
Aam Admi

Issue: 209         Date: 10.07.2017

1.      Goa CM Parrikar Should Have Known Better
2.      Stand-off with China at the Border near Sikkim-Bhutan
3.      Amit Shah Lying Through His Teeth on Cow-Related Violence

Goa CM Parrikar Should Have Known Better

Manohar Parrikar visited South Goa last week for the first time after taking charge as Chief Minister in his new term and while speaking there he is reported to have said that development in South Goa has not been adversely affected though the region did not vote for BJP during the last Assembly elections. Immediately after that we have the desecration of the crosses in South Goa and also  that of a temple n the same area. This is continuing with more incidents of cross damage in the last two days. The coincidence with Parrikar's statement  and the damage to crosses thereafter is rather strange. Not only that Manohar Parrikar further continues with his comments as reported in the local papers calling the desecration as a conspiracy and that the government and the BJP while denouncing the attacks will get to the bottom of this. When the situation in Goa and that in South Goa was quite normal, one cannot understand why Manohar Parrikar should have made the first comment as above. People holding important positions in governance particularly at the level of ministers and a Chief Minister at that should be careful with what they say. Since as later events have proved it has had a deleterious effect on law and order. Parrikar's statement would have incited pro-BJP elements to teach South Goa a lesson which is what common logic derives from the consequent cross desecrations. Further compounding the situation by calling it a conspiracy puts a spin on it implying that pro-BJP elements may not be involved in the actions. This situation could have been easily been avoided by Manohar Parrikar remembering that he is the Chief Minister of Goa and not of its North or South. The investigation on the incidents is being pursued but look at the cost of it constituting a rapid action force, round the clock patrolling etc. etc. All this could have been easily avoided if the CM had not stirred things up. In any case the perpetrators should be brought to justice irrespective of which political colour they sport. Where there is communal harmony in Goa, there was no need to have these sentiments aroused since we have enough of such things happening in the country and we need not import these into Goa maybe just because we feel left out of the mainstream of things.

Stand-off with China at the Border near Sikkim-Bhutan

The stand-off with China at the border near the Sikkim-Bhutan region is indicative that all is not well with the relations that we maintain with our neighbouring countries. With every country on our borders we have problems with Pakistan being major and then continuing with Nepal, Bangladesh and lastly, Sri Lanka in the order of lessening severity. Thus Modi's foreign policy dominated by hugs and dropping in for tea unannounced does not seem to be working. Even in the latest visit that Modi made to the US, you can see in the photo that Donald Trump is cringing away from a 'hugging' Modi. The latter seems also to be in supplicant mode and hugging Trump in desperation, probably believing that the hug is more important than national pride. 

As for China, there is no doubt that the incident on our borders with them is more in the nature of game-play to show that India cannot do a thing to it with or without US support. The recent apparent bonhomie in India-US relations is unacceptable to China. Added to that India has been making noises about patrolling the Indian Ocean and maybe even the South China Sea where China has a major confrontation with the US. Hence the flexing of muscles by China to show who's boss and to put India in its proper place. As our foreign policy it is rare that we anticipate situations like the imbroglio with China now and try and defuse it. More often than not it seems that we walk into a situation unaware of what's going on. This is a rather sad state of affairs  where we constantly see India getting upstaged, first it was by Pakistan and now by China. Sometime back when it was reported that China was building multiple dams on the upper reaches of the river Brahmaputra and this would reduce the water flow of the river drastically as it flows through our North East region, there was a lot of umbrage in India. But ultimately India accepted that China could build these dams but there was no news that whether a quid pro quo  was sought in guarantees on water flow. Confrontation is not always the desired path in international diplomacy and should be used as a last resort when all other methods of conflict resolution have been exhausted. Alertness and preparedness should be the hallmark of India's foreign policy. 

Amit Shah Lying Through His Teeth on Cow-Related Violence

Amit Shah while in Goa claimed that lynchings in general and related to the cow in particular were more in the 3 years preceding 2014 than in like period thereafter. Independent data puts this number for just the last six months as 20 which is set to cross  25 for the whole of last year. The same data puts 97% of the cow-related attacks between 2010 and 2017 of 63 having happened after May 2014. Additionally 32 of the 63 attacks happened in BJP ruled States. Amit Shah was trying to defuse the irate public opinion on cow lynchings that have erupted across India with the latest in Haryana and then Jharkhand. His approach is the typical bluff and bluster style adopted by most BJP leaders these days. It is as if they have the privileged access to all the 'correct' information in the world and all the rest of the citizens of India are stupid and dumb. This may work among the illiterates which is their major constituency who believe that any words coming out of the BJP leaders mouths particularly Narendra Modi and Amit Shah is 'Ram Vani'. Not only that the BJP is quite capable of manufacturing the figures since when they have fudged the GDP, CPI, WPI, IIP ETC. so what's with some numbers related to cow lynchings. We are living in the era of fake news and managed information and finding out the truth will need sifting through many layers of obfuscation and disinformation which is the specialty of the present BJP government.
